Ray Ban general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Ray Ban

JP / EN ]
Ray Ban
Italy (1937-)
Bausch & Lomb 
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.ray-ban.com/

Online shop : http://japan.ray-ban.com/


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/ray_ban

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/RayBan

: 4.7  -  Point:7,325 pt (Ranking 1,001)

About Ray Ban

Ray Ban is fashion brand which it was founded by Bausch & Lomb in italy in 1937 and it is popular brand of more than in 87 years since the establishment. Item is Optical frame, Glasses, Glasses, Sunglasses, Bag.

Related Reviews  - Ray Ban -

I went to the shop a day before yesterday and was thinking what to buy, then a pretty shop assistant came and thought with me, as well as giving me some advice...! Although I didn't like to be talked by staff too much, she was never too pushy and I could enjoy shopping!! There was a male shop assistant with glasses on near the till who was looking around the shop or looking at his face, fixing his hair in a mirror, watching other customers like a hawk, he didn't look nice at all so I was relieved he didn't serve me.
Other staff was all nice with smiles and I liked the item I bought a lot!! So my rating for this shop is 4!

I go there 2-3 times a year. However that male staff, same as before.
Although I always finish my shopping in pleasant mood with some help from female shop assistants who gave me an advice for choosing when I couldn't decide from 2-3 items, that male staff came between us just before I moved to the till. He looked grumpy until then. I didn't like him as it was obvious that he just wanted to make his own quota. The shop manager only served me once but I was very happy with her who told me a lot of things! Sometimes I saw the male staff in his break, crossing his legs in the coffee shop. I only had terrible impression towards him. However, I put my rating as 'good' for other staff's sake who served me very politely.

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