VALENTINO general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Italy (1960-)
Valentino Garavani 
PierPaolo PiccioliMaria Grazia Chiuri,  
Main item
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: 4.0  -  Point:5,635 pt (Ranking 8,620)


VALENTINO is fashion brand which it was founded by Valentino Garavani in italy in 1960 and it is popular brand of more than in 64 years since the establishment. Item is Trench coat, Sunglasses, blouse, Cardigan, Shirt.

Related Reviews  - VALENTINO -


This is a brand I've been buying in last 10 years. Although I say VALENTINO, I normally buy from RED VALENTINO within the same boutique. Despite it looks like the threshold is high, the shop assistants are all friendly. They have an exquisite timing to talk to customers when we are choosing items. It was about an occasion when I popped in at Winter time. I couldn't decide between 2 totally different types of dresses, one was a knitted dress in chic Black and the other was in an adventurous pattern. I went into a fitting room. As a start with, the size of the fitting rooms at high brand shops were tremendously big. I was really comfortable. The staff honestly recommended the Black one that truly suited me after I came out of the fitting room. I've been buying like this for 10 years. There were no items whatsoever that I thought I made a mistake of. It's recommended to anyone who wants to wear the favourite items over the long period of time, and I want everybody to have a policy that we use items in good quality for long!

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