CHANEL general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
France (1910-)
Gabrielle CHANEL 
Karl Lagerfeld 
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: 4.6  -  Point:7,042 pt (Ranking 2,142)


CHANEL is fashion brand which it was founded by Gabrielle CHANEL in france in 1910 and it is popular venerable brand of more than in 100 years since the establishment. Item is Pochette, Gross, Sandals, Makeup bag, Perfume.

Related Reviews  - CHANEL -

   SOGO Kobe

I went to buy my friend's birthday gift on 2nd August. Entering from the department store basement floor, it was good that the shop assistants were lively as it was about 11am and there were many customers. I wanted to buy nail varnish from CHANEL and went to the cosmetic section. All the brand had few customers and it was quiet. However it was good that I could choose the gift after chatting a lot with the staff. Because the staff who served me was very nice, I happened to buy one for myself as well. I then went to look at the bargain items at the ladies clothes section. It didn't look like bargain sale as there weren't many customers due to before lunch time on a weekday. However I could see even from distance that the staff was politely serving customer one of each customer, same as the staff at the cosmetic section. I found a top I liked at the bargain sale and bought it as I was happy with the price and service.


I fell in love at first sight with the patent leather heels. Size was obviously smaller. The store was crowded with a lot of customers and the store associates went back and forth. It took time for me to be served by the store associates. But once I got a hold of them, they dealt with me very quickly. There were no stock of my shoe size at the store, and they looked from Chanel store on all locations, and they agreed to reserve them. After a few days, they called me that they had the stock ready so I went to Chanel inside Isetan in Shinjuku. I borrowed their stockings, and tried the shiny shoes on. The told me "Would you please feel free to walk around the store with the shoes on" so while I was wearing the shoes, I looked for coats. The pair perfectly fit me. I told them that I was going to buy, they guided me to the sofa and paid sitting down so that I did not have to go to the crowded bag corner. They handed me the shoes at the exit of the store and they had an excellent customer service.


I went there gingerly with my friend. The luxurious items were not yet my category, me and friend was just walking hesitantly as the shop assistants looked snobby. The friend stopped in front of CHANEL.
She saw the items featured in a magazine. It was coloured mascaras. The poster wasn't very standing out but she didn't miss it as a fashion guru. As expected, no one came to talk to us even after a few minutes. When I thought that was enough, a mature shop assistant talked to us The staff introduced the item rather than being too pushy, so it was very pleasant.
We didn't buy anything there but I found there was a big difference between talking to customers and not doing so. She was very experienced, indeed.

   CHANEL gyre omotesando

It's a stand alone shop on the Zelcova street in Omotesando.
I always want to go in as the exterior is very distinctive, with a fashionable window based on Black and White for CHANNEL's image colours.
They recently refurbished inside and it created more beautiful space. The shop assistants are very kind and efficient, offering great customer service. This shop in Omotesando is highly recommended among other CHANNEL's shops.

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