POLO RALPH LAUREN general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Main item
Tops,Outerwear,Dress,Onepiece,Bottoms,Shoes,Bag,Wallet,Accessory,Watch,Goods,Sports,Underwear,Children clothing,Cosme 
Web site

Official : http://www.ralphlauren.co.jp

Online shop : http://www.ralphlauren.co.jp/?cm_mmc=GEO-_-US-_-Geo_iJP_rUS_dJP-_-PC


Twitter  :

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/RalphLaurenJapan

: 4.6  -  Point:9,039 pt (Ranking 48)


POLO RALPH LAUREN is fashion brand which it was founded by Ralph LAUREN in america. Item is Sports jacket, Bikini, Sandals, Down jacket, Windbreaker.

Related Reviews  - POLO RALPH LAUREN -


I received a DM from RALPH LAUREN for the kids' clothes informing me that they would reduce the price again from 15th July and went to the shop at their opening time! Because it was the time when the shop was opening, there were only a few customers. I could recognise about 5 people by looking around the shop. I thought that there would be less items as the sale had already started, but it wasn't too bad even its size variations. I bought a polo shirt that had Hawaiian motif on the back, and a dress in hibiscus print that I wanted. The price on the matching shoes to the dress I purchased before Summer was also reduced but I gave them up as the size didn't fit me. The 2 items I bought were being reduced from that day and I already rang the shop beforehand to check their stock. It was good that I knew those 2 items were both last ones. If you have something you want to buy, it's definitely recommended to go there at the shop's opening time!


There were many White items in various designs as it was before Summer. The staff looked gentle and it was nice that she was never importunate. Although a friend of mine was looking for something, she couldn't find what exactly she wanted. Then the staff gave us some coordination advice when we asked. Because it was over the budget, I didn't buy anything this time but it was nice as there were many cute dresses, tops as well as polo shirts in natural style.

I purchased a pair of grey pants. I always find it difficult to find the pair of pants that fits me well, and that day when I came in to the stores, I tried 5 different pants but the store associates did not even make a face and consulted as if it was their own shopping. Thanks to them, I could find the one that fits me. This store is located at the female clothing floor and the second floor, and it is at the very end and kind of hard to see, but you can see the hot models of the Ralph Lauren panels and the store was very Ralph Lauren like. It is located right next to Burberry.


I went to shopping to buy a presents for my mom. I was planning to buy a sweater, but was not sure what color or the shape I want. It was Sunday and the store were packed with a lot of people, and the store associates looked very busy. At first I was looking around alone, but since the thing I would buy is not for myself, and I had hard time choosing one. A store associate came to me when she was done with helping other customer. She even apologized to me, and I was surprised. It seemed like she knew that I was not being able to choose, and she kept me on her eyes since nobody was helping me. I was very impressed.

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