MURUA general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to (2006-)
Momoko Ogihara 
Momoko Ogihara 
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: 4.5  -  Point:7,071 pt (Ranking 2,017)


MURUA is fashion brand which it was founded by Momoko Ogihara in japan(Tokyo-to) in 2006 and it is 18 years since the establishment. Item is Chester Court, Buckle, Belt, Down coat, Shorts.

Related Reviews  - MURUA -

   MURUA omiya OPA

The store color was always white, black and grey and had a cool feeling to it, and the store isles were wider and easy to walk around which makes it easy to see merchandise. The small goodies that were displayed on the shelves were all cheaper, but they displayed to make it looked more expensive merchandise, and I could not help taking it on my hands to look. The store associate looked cool, but it was hard to talk to, but when I did to ask for different sizes, she helped me not only for the sizes but also told me a lot about merchandise and it made me relieved. In fact, it was fun. I went to buy a pair of cropped pants, but they did not fit me so I did not buy. It is located at the very back on the left from the escalator on the 3rd floor inside OPA in Ohmiya, and I usually shop around clock-wise and stop by this store.

   MURUA LUMINE est Shinjuku

I went to look for my friend's birthday gift. They had a combo sale that we could buy one set of co-ordination at reduced price so I decided to buy them for the friend straight away.
I asked for gift wrap and the staff politely did it. I once left the shop but noticed I left something so popped back. It was already treated as a lost & found item and handed over to the security centre, the staff took me there.
I felt sorry but staff was very nice and made me feel better.
The friend was very happy with the gift.

   MURUA Ikebukuro PARCO

It is getting warm, and I bought a trend maxi long cardigan which I've checked before. The shop was not crowded because I went to the shop on weekday. The shop is so large, and it's easy to walk around. A salesclerk who usually gives me service was not there, so another salesclerk was there for me. All salesclerks are very kind. Every time, I take too much time to choose the one because of my procrastinating personality. By talking with the salesclerk, I could image the style and coordinate color, which helped me to decide the one finally. It is a little difficult to find the shop which is located in basement level. The shop looks light with white color based. The salesclerks are very fashionable, so I think it's easy to get attention.

   MURUA LUCUA osaka

I went to buy a midi length skirt I wanted.
It was in 2 different colours and I was thinking about it, then a shop assistant came to talk to me.
She asked me what sort of colours items I had most and brought those sort of colours of tops, putting them against each other, saying 'How do they look?'
So I could get a clear idea and decide the colour. Although I didn't intend to buy it, I bought a top as well because she showed me several items.
I wear them very often and I don't think it should be any problem to have many basic clothes. I was very happy with the staff as well as the items. I've been to MURUA often for some time and I'll go there as before.

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