Pink Mix general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Pink Mix

JP / EN ]
Pink Mix
Japan  - Tokyo-to
PREMIER Corporation. 
Main item
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: 4.6  -  Point:5,698 pt (Ranking 8,310)

About Pink Mix

Pink Mix is fashion brand which it was founded by PREMIER Corporation. in japan(Tokyo-to).

Related Reviews  - Pink Mix -

   Pink Mix malera Gifu

I bought a coat that I wanted for some time, they were reduced.
The staff looked like very gal and I didn't want to go close to her, but she was really friendly and easy to talk to. There were 2 different coats I liked and I couldn't decide which one. The staff recommended me the one I would be able to wear longer rather than selling the expensive one. It was helpful and I felt good. There are some other shops with the staff coming to talk in vain and forcing us to buy more expensive items, but this shop is nothing like that. I like it. There was a mature lady customer in the shop and the shop assistants were nice and kind to her as well, they served her in a friendly manner. I felt good by watching them.

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