Paul Smith general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Paul Smith

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Paul Smith
England (1970-)
Paul Smith 
Paul Smith 
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: 4.7  -  Point:7,674 pt (Ranking 221)

About Paul Smith

Paul Smith is fashion brand which it was founded by Paul Smith which was bearing its own name in england in 1970 and it is popular brand of more than in 54 years since the establishment. Item is Cut sew, Sweater, Polo shirt, Muffler, Glasses.

Related Reviews  - Paul Smith -


The shop is on the left hand side after up the North lift on the 2nd floor. I came with mum who wanted a dress. The experienced female shop assistant is very good at coordination. The clothes look nice by themselves but they would be even better when put them together. I often happen to buy the top and bottom at the retail price despite I come for the sale. However I come back again as I wear those clothes a lot, and I'm convinced eventually. There is a little secret on the mirrors to make look us nicer, we look slightly slimmer. Mum bought a floral dress and a cardigan with delicate designs on the sides, recommended by the staff. It's recommended to anyone who wants to take time for shopping while enjoying conversation with the staff as there are normally not many customers there. You'd better to watch out as you might regret when you haven't got enough budget to shop.

   Paul Smith ISETAN Shinjuku

I was not sure what I wanted to buy, but the store associate helped me find it when I told her what kind of things my friend would like. It was one of the busiest time on Sunday, but she took her time and served me, and she suggested items or gave me advice. In the end, I decided on a cardigan, but I had to buy one for myself as well. There were a few customers but I liked how the store associates were not like a salesmen, and they served me kindly. Even when I pay, we talked about cosmetics, and I could fully enjoy the shopping from the begining to the end.

I've been using a wallet for a long time but finally I found a hole in coin space. So I decided to buy a new good wallet and went to the shop. The shop has relaxed atmosphere and a salesclerk gave me his business card. This is the service that luxury brand can do. When I asked him what I'm looking for, he explained the wallets on displays one by one. The wallets are displayed with a key, and he put on gloves to show me the wallets. After I thought over, I bought a long wallet with waxed leather. It was wrapped in a fancy box and put in the nice bag. ( I can't even get rid of both the box and the bag.) I was so satisfied with the wallet itself and its design. I'm sure that I can use it for a long life.

sawagi shimai
   Paul Smith Matsumoto PARCO

I bought a jacket for my firther's gift. I was ckecking and thinking which one makes him young, and I hope he can use for both casual and business. At the moment, a salesclerk asked me and gave me advise nicely. Finally I chose a tweedy jucket that she recommended as a gift.The shop has relaxed atmosphere and easy to walk in. I was satisfied with shopping and It was really good to give my father a good present.

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