Review:No.175350 Word-of-mouth・Review of Paul Smith SEIBU Department Store Ikebukuro honten | Fashion Collect

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No.175350 Review of Paul Smith SEIBU Department Store Ikebukuro honten

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   Paul Smith SEIBU Department Store Ikebukuro honten  [ 2015/04/29 ]

I've been using a wallet for a long time but finally I found a hole in coin space. So I decided to buy a new good wallet and went to the shop. The shop has relaxed atmosphere and a salesclerk gave me his business card. This is the service that luxury brand can do. When I asked him what I'm looking for, he explained the wallets on displays one by one. The wallets are displayed with a key, and he put on gloves to show me the wallets. After I thought over, I bought a long wallet with waxed leather. It was wrapped in a fancy box and put in the nice bag. ( I can't even get rid of both the box and the bag.) I was so satisfied with the wallet itself and its design. I'm sure that I can use it for a long life.

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