Patagonia general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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America (1957-)
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About Patagonia

Patagonia is fashion brand which it was founded by Yvon CHOUINARD in america in 1957 and it is popular brand of more than in 67 years since the establishment. Item is Sweater, Daypack, Fleece jacket, Scarf, Down jacket.

Related Reviews  - Patagonia -

   patagonia kobe

I went to this shop to ask for repair of zip on my daughter's window breaker.
I bought it at Nishinomiya Gardens shop but the shop was closed down, so I went to Kobe retail shop as the nearest from home after I searched online.
I made an enquiry over the phone at the beginning and the staff politely responded me. However the procedure for repairing and returning wasn't clearly explained. I was a bit worried about the cost and time but it was helpful as they repaired in 2 weeks at free of charge.
It was the item my daughter liked and I was pleased that I bought it from the shop offering good after sales service even though it was a bit expensive.

   patagonia kichijoji

Staffs’ impression is stylish; both men and women wear outdoor clothes. I feel I want to refer to their coordinate. Both 1st floor and 2nd floor of the store have rich selection, it makes consumer appetite raise. I crushed on and purchased a light jacket with high cold-proof properties. The material is high functionality compared with normal jackets. The base color is beige which I like, the front design is with boa, so it looks much more expensive than its price. My favorite!

   patagonia osaka

I went to buy clothes for snowy mountain climbing. I wanted a pair of long johns to wear inside mountain trousers, however they were too long due to a overseas brand, and the layer around ankles were too thick. When I asked a shop assistant, she suggested 'Kids' size' and they fitted me perfectly. It was a good job I went to their own shop that had most size range.

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