Review:No.176285 Word-of-mouth・Review of Paul Smith ISETAN Shinjuku | Fashion Collect

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No.176285 Review of Paul Smith ISETAN Shinjuku

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   Paul Smith ISETAN Shinjuku  [ 2015/06/18 ]

I was not sure what I wanted to buy, but the store associate helped me find it when I told her what kind of things my friend would like. It was one of the busiest time on Sunday, but she took her time and served me, and she suggested items or gave me advice. In the end, I decided on a cardigan, but I had to buy one for myself as well. There were a few customers but I liked how the store associates were not like a salesmen, and they served me kindly. Even when I pay, we talked about cosmetics, and I could fully enjoy the shopping from the begining to the end.

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