a.v.v general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Japan  - Tokyo-to
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.avv-web.com/

Online shop : http://www.itokin.net/avv/


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: 4.5  -  Point:5,787 pt (Ranking 7,897)

About a.v.v

a.v.v is fashion brand which it was founded by in japan(Tokyo-to). Item is Lace-up, Tote bag, Purse, Coin purse, Umbrella.

Related Reviews  - a.v.v -

   a.v.v AEON Yokote

I suppose this is the only a.v.v shop in Akita Minami.
I always go there on my homecoming and this shop is my favourite among other a.v.v shops.
I feel the shop is community-based and time flows slowly there, easy to shop. They have more mature customers so I sometimes take my mum with me. I bought a Whit knit wear for her.
The staff doesn't look too eager or pushy and you can take time, this shop makes your shopping experience enjoyable.

I often go to that shop and the shop assistants always greet us with nice smile and treat us politely. I bought a trendy jersey top the other day but I couldn't decide right away as there were 2 similar designs. Then a shop assistant came and gave me some advice, what it would look like and how to co-ordinate with other clothes. I could make up my mind with ease. That staff was really kind and gave me another tip for co-ordination at the till. Because it was a outlet shop, the price was also reasonable. I enjoy shopping there.

I went to Mitsui Outlet Park Yokohama Bay Side with my mum the other day. They had their end of Summer sale and most items were reduced. I do breast feed and was looking for some clothes that could be easily washed when it got dirty, and that would breast feeding easier. I found 2 items, one was in T-shirt material with puffy sleeves in White and a striped loose fit style. I couldn't make my mind up straight away and a shop assistant gave me an advice that the striped one would be suitable as it wouldn't show the stains much when it got dirty while breast feeding and the material and design would make breast feeding easier. I wear that one a lot recently and found it's easy and doesn't show the stains. I'm very happy with it. It's around in the middle on the left hand side on the ground floor.

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