Samantha Thavasa general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Samantha Thavasa

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Samantha Thavasa
Japan  - Tokyo-to (1994-)
Kazumasa TERADA 
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: 4.7  -  Point:7,548 pt (Ranking 428)

About Samantha Thavasa

Samantha Thavasa is fashion brand which it was founded by Kazumasa TERADA in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1994 and it is 30 years since the establishment. Item is Pendant, Bangle, Pierce, Pinkie ring, Tiara.

Related Reviews  - Samantha Thavasa -


I went to SAMANTHA THAVASA in Fukuoka Tenjin Underground to buy a trendy new wallet. Although I couldn't decide either in Pink or White, I picked the Pink wallet as the staff's recommendation. It was good that I bought it in Pink as the colour of Pink was said as lucky in love and overall. The shop's display was easy to look at as the trendy designs were placed at the eye catching positions and I could soon find what I liked. I was very satisfied to be able to buy it because the staff recommended it to me.

taka mama
   JR Nagoya Takashimaya

I went to this store on 14th July. It was between 10am (store opening time) and 11.30am. Although it was on a weekday, there were many female customers (elderly, with kids and as couples) on the 3rd floor as it had a sale. At the beginning, I looked around shoes from end to end and looked for a shop assistant to bring my size out after I choose some pairs I liked, but it took so long before my turn came. When I asked the place for the specific shoes, the staff just pointed out without showing me around, as perhaps the shop was busy. I was looking at the items at the bag section next to it and I eventually found a Dark Pink shoulder bag (pochette) that I had been looking for at SAMANTHA THAVASA DELUXE, for 4 years and I bought it because I also liked the shop assistant. I then went to HANDS on other floor to buy shoe cream. There were many business men in suits on that floor. There were less people at that floor compare with the 3rd floor, and no queues for the tills. If you want to shop smoothly at department stores, it's better to decide the route you are going around, and to get there at the first thing in the morning!

I was looking for a bag I could use for a long period of the time and I did impulse purchase for the bag I spotted while I was wandering around in the department store! It was a slightly big bag in the size of around 30cm x 40cm. I fell in love with this bag at the first sight as it was in Black, chic and would suit with any coordination. According to the staff, they would be sold out very quickly for being a popular item as overseas models were using them. You can enjoy shopping there as the staff recommend items that suited your styles and preferences!

tada koromo

It has a rather bright and open space atmosphere. The aisles are wide and we can look at items even if there are many people around. It's also nice that the shop assistants don't insistently talk to customers. I was very happy with my purchase as I could buy it by the staff's advice such as how to coordinate it and what items were popular. I was tempted to buy something else other than what I wanted to buy as the display was beautifully placed. I was a bit worried if I was at the right place as the shop was towards the back of the sections for make up items and accessories after the main entrance that was the busiest used by most customers.

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