OLIVE des OLIVE general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to (1984-)
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.olivedesolive.tv/

Online shop : http://www.olivedesolive.tv/olive/shop/?mode=list&brand=online


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/olivedesolivejp

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/OLIVE-des-OLIVE/134954523271334?fref=nf

: 4.7  -  Point:8,888 pt (Ranking 56)


OLIVE des OLIVE is fashion brand which it was founded by in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1984 and it is 40 years since the establishment. Item is Cardigan, Court, Best, Skirt, Swimsuit.

Related Reviews  - OLIVE des OLIVE -


Purchased 2 tops in White and Yellow around the beginning of August. I couldn't decide what to buy as there were many cute items that were at 1,000yen, less than half price at the Summer bargain sale. When I thought they were cute but didn't know what kind of trousers or skirts I should wear with them, the staff suggested about 5 different items and I decided to buy those tops. I now enjoy various coordination. Thanks to her!

   Laforet Harajuku

There was a limited hour sale in front of the entrance of LAFORET Harajuku in late afternoon. The items from popular brands such as SNIDEL and OLIVE DE OLIVE were all being sold at 1,000yen. There were many people from students to housewives. Although I was pleased as I couldn't normally afford them, the fabric looked thin and cheapie. To be honest, I didn't like the designs or finish that seemed to be being cutting the corners and that weren't being sold in the shop. I decided not to buy it as I thought that 1,000yen was reasonable price for this quality. It's great to be able to buy the brand's clothes that we can't normally afford but I thought this sale was for people who are happy just by having that brand's clothes. I heard that there was a way to let people buy the non-sale items after attracting them by the sale items, and you should judge by yourself whether the items are good value for money when you buy sale items.

I went to the STATION SQUARE bargain in Sagami Ono together with my high school student daughter during her Summer holiday. She liked the particular brand and didn't wear anything else besides that brand's clothes and we decided to go there to widen her view as she had never looked at other brands. We were going around all the shops as a start with but she easily found a shop she liked before we finished our round. It was OLIVE DE OLIVE. There were a few other pairs of mums and daughters who seemed to be junior high or high school students; Although there were only 2 shop assistants, they were efficiently serving customers. My daughter found 2 dresses she liked and the staff picked a cute camisole when daughter was trying them on as one of the dresses was in see-through material. (Because the camisole was really cute, we bought it.) When tried on, we found that one of the buttons was missing on a dress. Daughter was really keen on it and the staff immediately sewed a spare button on while we were waiting when we said that we wanted to buy it. Although the shop wasn't very busy, I was very impressed with that service despite customers were coming in and out during the sale period.


I normally go there during Golden Week or Summer holiday time. The items are easy to take to look at as they are neatly folded and it's attractive to be able to buy cheaper than the regular price for being outlet store. It's easy to go inside as the shop assistants create cheerful atmosphere. I'm happy to be able to purchase even cheaper at their limited hour sale. My camisole I bought 2 years ago is still in immaculate condition and I think the quality for those items is also good

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