snidel general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to (2005-)
mash style lab,. Inc. 
Asami Kusugami 
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: 4.5  -  Point:10,209 pt (Ranking 32)

About snidel

snidel is fashion brand which it was founded by mash style lab,. Inc. in japan(Tokyo-to) in 2005 and it is 19 years since the establishment. Item is Knit cardigan, Tunic, Studded belt, Court, Cut sew.

Related Reviews  - snidel -

   snidel namba city

It's a very popular SNIDE NAMBA CITY shop. It's on the ground floor in the main building. Needless to say, there are many cute clothes and this shop is quite big and we can take time to look around. It has many girlie items in pastel colours that stimulate girl's desire. I go to this shop before any other shops when I look for some coordination styles that I can get popularity with. I always want many items because they are trendy in chic style and the designs are very cute. We need to check very often as the popular items are soon being sold out.

   Laforet Harajuku

There was a limited hour sale in front of the entrance of LAFORET Harajuku in late afternoon. The items from popular brands such as SNIDEL and OLIVE DE OLIVE were all being sold at 1,000yen. There were many people from students to housewives. Although I was pleased as I couldn't normally afford them, the fabric looked thin and cheapie. To be honest, I didn't like the designs or finish that seemed to be being cutting the corners and that weren't being sold in the shop. I decided not to buy it as I thought that 1,000yen was reasonable price for this quality. It's great to be able to buy the brand's clothes that we can't normally afford but I thought this sale was for people who are happy just by having that brand's clothes. I heard that there was a way to let people buy the non-sale items after attracting them by the sale items, and you should judge by yourself whether the items are good value for money when you buy sale items.

The bear-gaucho which is the mixture of bear top and gaucho pants all in one was very cute clothing, and the store dummy was wearing it and I fell in love at first sight, and I had to buy. They had one in white, blue, and border lined, and I had a hard time choosing one among them but as it's perfect for the summer, I chose border line one. I shop at Snidel quite often since I like feminine, unique design that they carry. The store assocaites always kindly give me advice, and what they are wearing are so cute that makes me want to have one.

sekai nowatabe
   snidel Okayama Ichibangai

I was shopping around while I was looking for a fabulous girly skirt, the flare skirt by Snidel happened to caught my eyes. I have never shop this store before, but the store and the store associates were very girly and I felt relaxed. As I went into the store, there were several cute flare skirts and it took time to decide on, but with the store associate's precise advice, I could buy one skirt. She recommended me some pair ups, and her sense of fashion inspired me a lot. The shopping bag was representing the brand image, and was soft girly design, and just carrying around makes me fun.

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