MaxMara general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Italy (1951-)
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: 4.7  -  Point:6,733 pt (Ranking 3,540)

About MaxMara

MaxMara is fashion brand which it was founded by Achille MARAMOTTI in italy in 1951 and it is popular brand of more than in 73 years since the establishment. Item is Shirt, Court, Long cardigan, Dress, Knit cardigan.

Related Reviews  - MaxMara -

Went to look for a thin cardigan. This brand is good because the staff bring the items even if there aren't on the shelves. Although it was a kind of difficult to go in as the shop was towards the back within Kichijoji Tokyo department store, my initial worries disappeared when I was talking to a kind shop assistant. I was looking for some clothes that I could casually wear for popping out to neighbourhood but I didn't buy anything as I couldn't find what I wanted. I guess, I couldn't explain well enough for my requirement. I was surprised that the staff brought a jacket as well..

   maxmara aoyama

I went to look for thin knitwear that I could easily wear when it was chilly or I was in a room with fully air-conditioned. The staff was very frank and showed a lot of knitwear to me one after another. It was nice that I could see various items that weren't on the shelves. However other shop assistants were staring at me because there were no other customers. I was nervous and I wanted to go home soon. It vexed me that they looked at me while they were folding clothes up.

   MaxMara Ginza MITSUKOSHI

Went to look for a simple T-shirt and a skirt. The staff was cheerful and lucidly served me. I was a bit uncomfortable with the stares of other shop assistants who were standing nearby as the shop wasn't very big and there were no other customers. The staff served me took many T-shirts out one after another and it was nice. However I wasn't very happy with her taking so long when she went to the back to find the items that weren't on the shelves. Although I wanted go round other shops, I reluctantly waited for her as I felt sorry for her who went to look for the items for me.

   MaxMara Iyotetu Takashimaya

Both a shop manager and salesclerks are friendly with lots of smiles. They have good taste and give me advice for lots of coordinates. The shop looks luxury and clean so I feel like I want to stay longer. This is the shop I love to visit for my life.

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