HERE'S general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to (2012-)
Itokin Co,.Ltd. 
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: 4.7  -  Point:7,606 pt (Ranking 305)

About HERE'S

HERE'S is fashion brand which it was founded by Itokin Co,.Ltd. in japan(Tokyo-to) in 2012 and it is 12 years since the establishment. Item is Tailored Jacket, Pants, Cargo pants, Chino pants, Trekking shoes.

Related Reviews  - HERE'S -

nou tomi
   HERE'S AEON MALL Kashihara

I bought a pair of shorts and a T-shirt at HEARS within AEON mall as my boyfriend's birthday was approaching. I hated going to the men's clothes shop on my own but it was OK as the shop assistants at HEARS were nice. I didn't know what to choose but the staff helped me. His talk was funny! The shop is near PINK-LATTE around the middle of the 3rd floor. The staff was nice and the shop has a bright atmosphere, it was a shop I wanted to go again!

Country person
   HERE'S NaRa Family

The shop is a bit smaller side but the price is reasonable and the items are frequently replaced, the new arrivals are often reduced on next visit. It's helpful for housewives.
There is no pushy staff and we can take time to look around. I don't like to be pushed so this is very important point for me. They will, of course, answer to your questions politely when needed.
It's also helpful that some shop assistants look after my kid during shopping as kid often makes noise. I feel good as they talk to me when I pass by even if I don't go in.

   HERE'S Sapporo paseo

l love HERE'S as I can buy fashionable clothes at reasonable price. The shop used to be in Sapporo STELLAR PLACE but it has recently moved into PASEO.
The shop became smaller but I liked the items as before and I'd come here regularly. There are varieties of clothes from fashionable items with trendy touch to simple style that can be worn at work. I think their target age range is 20's to 30's. It also has accessories, bags and shoes, particularly I always check the accessories out as the price is reasonable.


I bought a knit and jeans on winter sale. Now on sale 1/2 price; reasonable. In addition, we can get 10% off on a limited-time sale, it’s gonna be amazing price. I’m just sorry that this shop has only lady’s wear, but we can feel free to ask shop staffs. Even on sale they answer anything like coordinate or size kindly. There are many fashionable design items so I would like to challenge and buy those items on sale, when I can buy easily.

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