TOMORROWLAND general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Japan  - Tokyo-to (1978-)
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: 4.5  -  Point:8,053 pt (Ranking 94)


TOMORROWLAND is fashion brand which it was founded by TOMORROWLAND Co,. Ltd. in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1978 and it is 46 years since the establishment. Item is Tunic, Cargo pants, Easy underwear, Corduroy pants, Knee-length skirt.

Related Reviews  - TOMORROWLAND -


Although it’s a shop that I've been buying since I was still a single, I didn't go as often after giving birth. I went there the other day after a long time and my purchase desire shot up at full throttle as I still liked the shop's distinctive world. The shop assistants were all fashionable and charismatic. I felt it was worth going to just looking at them. I felt that the girl enchantment level inside me increased . Needless to say that all the shop assistants are kind, they also politely serve customers in an elegant way and I really fond of them. The shop is easy to find as it's a large shop on the ground floor that looks like 2nd floor (please note that there is a basement floor in the building) within YOKOHAMA LUMINE.

   TOMORROWLAND Osaka Takashimaya

Although I visited without any intention for purchase, bought a top as I loved the design. It was a top in White paisley pattern on Black background. It was a comfortable top in soft linen-like touch that was ideal for Summer. The shop looks difficult to go in for its design but I enjoyed talking to the staff as she was friendly when I actually went in. There were varieties of clothes from expensive items to reasonably priced clothes. Many mannequins were displayed in different coordinates inside and I could learn from them. It also had small items from various brands. The inside was chic and this shop might have more adult atmosphere compared to other TOMORROW LAND as it was a tenant within Takashimaya. It's a lovely shop that we can take time for shopping.


I bought a Black dress. I was looking for something I could wear for the shrine visit for my child and a shop assistant recommended some items that wasn't a stopgap but to be able to wear after that occasion (taking some examples like wedding and parents day at school etc). I could find a dress I liked. I'm not normally keen on being talked by shop assistants but TOMORROWLAND is easy to look around as the staff come to talk in a natural way.

   tomorrowland ginza

It's a fantastic shop that is luxurious among other TOMORROWLAND shops. The clothes that I want to wear at special occasions are lined up. However, I always get nervous when I go in because I feel as if the staff is checking my whole body by staring from head to toe. I felt a bit sad and soon left the shop the other day as I wasn't wearing very fashionable clothes when I went there. I wish I could look around more relaxing. It's a shop that requires to dress up to buy fashionable clothes.

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