Chloé general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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France (1952-)
Gaby Aghion 
Main item
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: 4.6  -  Point:5,720 pt (Ranking 8,204)

About Chloé

Chloé is fashion brand which it was founded by Gaby Aghion in france in 1952 and it is popular brand of more than in 72 years since the establishment. Item is Glasses, Key case, Sunglasses, Optical frame, Pants.

Related Reviews  - Chloé -

   Chloé ISETAN Shinjuku

Purchased a CHLOE long wallet. Although the shop wasn't very big, its items were compactly gathered in the cute atmosphere overall. I searched online for the designs of CHLOE's wallets as I wanted it for a long time. The staff casually talked to me and I was very happy with my shopping experience as she showed me many items in different colours and similar designs. It was a White wallet I chose and I noticed that there was some dirt on it. When I told this to the staff, she soon checked the item availability in other shops.

   Chloé DAIMARU kobe

I bought a bag and a wallet at CHLOE in Daimaru. The bag was for myself and the wallet was bought as a gift. I wanted a CHLOE bag for a long time, so I was so pleased with it.
The colour was beautiful, it looked small but could take a lot of stuff in. I love it. The wallet was very functional as well and the person I gave it to liked it a lot. The staff was nice and kind.
I think that shop is fairy nice.

I always buy this brand from this shop from my very first CHLOE.
The staff is nice and kind, their action to get items from other branches and on new arrivals information is quick.
I'm also pleased that I can take time to look around as it's not very busy shop.
They have other brands as well so we can compere between them.

Kotatsu Club

CHLOE is my dream brand but I went to their outlet shop as I couldn't afford it. I bought a White bag. I stayed there around 1 hour as I couldn't make my mind up, but the staff kindly served me all that time, without showing any grumpiness.

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