HeartMarket general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.heartmarket.co.jp

Online shop : http://www.rakuten.co.jp/heart-market/


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/infohm

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/heartmarket1993

: 4.5  -  Point:6,684 pt (Ranking 3,755)

About HeartMarket

HeartMarket is fashion brand which it was founded by in japan(Tokyo-to).

Related Reviews  - HeartMarket -

   HeartMarket AEON MALL Hinode

I bought a Blue dress to cover my bump up while I was pregnant. The staff nicely told me that many ladies in pregnancy came to this shop so I could buy with ease.
When I bought a White floral top on different day, a male shop assistant came straight away and served me with a smile. The items are easily reachable and it's easy to find what I want as they are placed in each category. They gave me a handmade flyer (information on the next sale, popular items etc.) by the staff when I bought the clothes. They served me politely even after the payment was made, then they sent me off with smiles.


The inside is not too small or too big, just right size for easy shopping.
The most attractive point of this shop is price! Reasonable! It's very helpful for housewives. The materials look sturdy for this price and there are many pretty clothes in trendy designs. The staff is very nice, not too pushy so I can take time to look around. I find myself holding many items in my arms as they are so reasonable. When I took my kids with me, my son got bored and the staff gave him some cute stickers. He then became a good mood so I could take time to choose clothes. The fitting room was big enough and I could take my baby with me.


I bought denim jeans, knitted cardigan and bag for myself.
I'm not very keen to buy trousers as I can't be bothered to try clothes on. However the jeans were cute and the fitting room was big and comfortable so I could try them on with no trouble. They were good buy and I was happy with them.
The staff was friendly and brought the items in different colours and size straight away, I enjoyed shopping.


This is a shop I often go to. It's nice as the price is reasonable, there are various items that can easily coordinate. I often buy dresses and knitwear. They display some examples of coordinate ideas and I can learn from the shop assistants' fashion styles. Because they don't come to us unnecessarily, we can take time to look around.
They are nice and always smiling. I like them who keep comfortable distance from customers.
There are always a few customers inside so it's easy to go in.

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