TK general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Japan  - Tokyo-to (1999-)
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About TK

TK is fashion brand which it was founded by in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1999 and it is 25 years since the establishment. Item is Loafer, Knit, Sneakers, Shirt, Socks.

Related Reviews  - TK -

   TK tennoji MIO

I used TK when I stopped by at Mio after a half a year. The store associates changed so I was a bit surprised with that, but they talked to me in a great timing. The advice they gave me was precise, and they gave me honest opinions. At the time I leave, I received a business card, and other store associates came out to farewell as well. I only got one t-shirt, but I was surprised with their great customer service. Next time I got my salary, I would like to come back to buy a lot. The person who served me was Ms. Saegusa. Thank you very much!

   TK Utsunomiya PARCO

It's a shop on 6th floor for men's items in Utsunomiya PARCO. I bought a jacket the other day.
The shop is not very big but it has many items going along with trend so I like the shop. Most shop assistants are very down to earth and give us very good advice when we get stuck with something, so I can count on them. In my wardrobe, there are so many items I bought from this shop and my co-ordination is always consisted with these all year around.

   TK lalagarden Kasukabe

I went to buy a jacket for my boyfriend's birthday gift. It was a Black riders' jacket and just less than 20,000yen as long as I remembered.
Because he didn't go with me, I told a shop assistant his height, weight and build and the staff chose the size for me.
I had no idea on sizing for men's clothes so it was very helpful. My boyfriend was also very pleased with the jacket as the size was perfect.
The riders' jackets can be uncool if they are too big and he gave me a very nice complement for having chosen the right size for him. I want to go there with him next time.

   TK tsudanuma PARCO

I bought a coat in TK Tsudanuma PARCO. I tried on so many but the staff never showed any grumpy face and helped me politely.
I was also given some advice to co-ordinate with my own clothes. They were so kind.

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