UNTITLED general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to (1994-)
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.world.co.jp/untitled/

Online shop : http://store.world.co.jp/s/untitled/


Twitter  :

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/untitled.ne.jp

: 4.0  -  Point:6,799 pt (Ranking 3,247)


UNTITLED is fashion brand which it was founded by in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1994 and it is 30 years since the establishment. Item is Leather jacket, Box pleated skirt, Adjuster, Jacket, Knit cardigan.

Related Reviews  - UNTITLED -

Purchased a Beige jacket. It was perfect as I was looking for a thinner quality jacket for work. It was comfortable to wear and I liked it instantly. They had a sale and it was further reduced from that day. When I was thinking whether it suited my own clothes, the staff showed me the matching with the similar items to my own clothes. I could decided to buy it by her help. The shop is on 3rd floor in ATRE KAWASAKI. It's not big but there are many chic, simple clothes and it's one of my favourite shops.

   UNTITLED Sakai Takashimaya

I bought a set of a light beige tweed jacket and a one piece that I could wear for my daughter's graduation from kindergerten. They were not too flashy, and with the metalics they looked fabulous and feminine, were very sophisticated and smart. The store associates were not too pushy, so it was easy for me. They carried simple and basic clothing, so I thought I could buy clothing not only formal wear but also clothing for work in here. The fabric looked like sterdily made, and I would like to come back once they would have sales events.


I bought a set of a stripe blouse and a crew-neck cardigan. When I checked a magazine, I found the item. So I went to the shop to buy it, and a salesclerk gave me advice for coordinate and how I can wear a blouse and a cardigan separately. I had fun for shopping. There are lots of spring/summer items in the shop. I feel that they're simple but gorgeous.


I bought suits for my kid's nursery admission ceremony. They were collarless jacket and midi length flared skirt in tweed.
I asked for the suits for that ceremony and the one I could wear on daily occasions at the same time!, then the staff recommended these suits.
I like these suits because I can wear them in different styles by changing the inner wear and accessories.
Going there on the weekdays is recommended as it's not normally busy and the staff can take time to help us on co-ordination.

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