INDIVI general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to (1996-)
Atou Matsumoto 
Main item
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: 3.5  -  Point:7,571 pt (Ranking 367)


INDIVI is fashion brand which it was founded by in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1996 and it is 28 years since the establishment. Item is Cut sew, Pants, Tank top, Skirt, Tailored Jacket.

Related Reviews  - INDIVI -

saki mare
   INDIVI namba marui

I wanted to buy some simple clothing that I could wear to work, so I went to INDIVI. They mostly had clothing that were for sophisticated women, so it would be a perfect place to choose office casual clothing. They carried simple shirts, and 7/10 length pants in variety, so even one store, I think that you could enjoy various fashion. I bought something I could wear for work like the white top, a cardigan and 7/10 length pants. Their small goodies were cute, so if I waned to buy somthing I would like to come back again.

   INDIVI Matsuzakaya Toyota

I window-shopped to buy a pleated skirt with strip and botanical pattern and a boat neck dolman sleeve knit. I'm still thinking about it. A salesclerk told me that these are popular items so not enough stock. I wasn't actually going to buy but I'm thinking to. I often go to the shop and a salesclerk seems friendly and gives me good advice. We even have fun chat. The shop is close to Toyota-city station. It's not that big as the one in Nagoya but it's easy to look around. The shop doesn't have good atmosphere enough, but easy to walk in.

   INDIVI Matsumoto PARCO

I went to the shop with my mother and bought a knit layered shirt. I wasn't going to buy anything, but I found a shop manager wearing the shirt and it looked nice and cute, and I tried it on. She showed me skirts and shoes matched with the shirt and gave me advice very nicely. I tried a lot to coordinate with the shirt so it gave me good image. The shop has good atmosphere so it's easy to walk in. I think anyone can be satified with their nice and polite service.


The shop is just next to a west elevator (down). It's so easy to find it. It's pretty small than other shops. There are not so many space for displays, so it's difficult to find the new items. However, salesclerks are nice and answer me what I ask politely. Also they gave me advice for coordinate. Since maybe it's department store, they are well educated compared to salesclerks in other shops. They wear their own clothes very nice, and accessories, makeups and hair styles are all my reference. When I left the shop, they told me the date of new items.

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