RODEO CROWNS review - Fashion Collect

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Review list of RODEO CROWNS

[ 1-10 / 29 ]

It's a fairly new shop. When I went there for the first time, I was hesitant to enter as there weren't many customers due to daytime on a weekday. However, I went in and found that it was easy to look around as the items were very neatly placed. There was a shop assistant who seemed to be difficult to talk to but I was surprised at her attitude being very polite. She politely explained how to wear a long cardigan, as well as nice tweak, arranging variations and how to care. Although I didn't buy it at that time because I didn't have enough time, I was pleased that she remembered me when I went back a week later or so.


Went to buy a cardigan that was featured in a magazine. The inside was bright and big, it was easy to go in despite I had my kid with me. The staff looked after kid while I was choosing clothes. She was very kind. There were many kids' clothes and all looked cute. The staff gave me some coordination ideas for the floral cardigan and I enjoyed shopping. When I went in, there was a male shop assistant who had a lovely smile. The shop was on the ground floor in Lalaport and it was easy to find.


I went to choose clothes for my daughter and myself. Although I thought that daughter would get bored, I could take time to look around as there were some toys in the shop and she was playing with them. It was also helpful that the shop assistants talked to her,. I bought a floral cardigan featured in a magazine. It was good that I went there as the actual cardigan was much prettier than the look of it in the magazine and I could try it on. There were many varieties of kids' clothes and I bought a dress. My daughter also liked it.


I went to RODEO CROWNS the other day to buy boys jeans that were popular this year. I was annoyed by the shop assistants talking loudly as soon as I went in. One of them started talking to me saying 'Please look at them in the mirror, I'll get your size' when I took jeans to look at. I could understand if some staff who was doing her job properly said such, but it was very unpleasant because the staff was just having a private conversation louder and it was an obvious sales talk. I don't know if it was for sales or quota rather than recommending them that suited me, but only her feeling reached my mind that she wanted to push me to buy them. I eventually left the shop without buying anything.

mute kichi

I bought a newly restocked popular t-shirt with a logo, and a border cardigan. I was so happy I could buy the t-shirt since they said that they were very popular and they might to restock again. The store was spacious, and the men's, ladies' and kids section was separated and was easy to see. They carried various kinds of items, and I was with a little kid, but I could take my time to look. The store associate was very friendly and told me that I could wear something together with my kid soon. If you like talking, this might be fun store to go to.

rodeo daisuki - -

Most of the store associates were bright and cheerful! And they were friendly so it was easy to ask for help! :) I was at loss about pairing up clothing, they showed me with the clothing they carried and that was helpful and I bought them :)

  RODEO CROWNS shinsaibashi opa

I went to my friend's favourite shop to look for her birthday gift. I was the only customer as I went there at their opening time. I took my kid with me, one of the shop assistants helped me looking for the gift and another one looked after my kid. I could take time to look and choose, it was helpful.
The staff kindly made suggestion for the items within my budget and recommended some popular items.
The inside wasn't big but it was easy to look around as the items were neatly placed.
It's a bit difficult to find as the shop is near the back of the 6th floor, but you can see the big logo on the wall from distance.


I often go to other RODEO CROWN shops but it was the first time to go to Lalaport Shin Misato shop.
I was looking for a comfortable dress as I was pregnant. I could find the shop easily without walking around as it was on the ground floor. The inside was quite big and very crowded. The staff who came to talk to me showed several hoodie dresses and maxi dresses. She noticed at my pregnancy straight away as I had a maternity symbol on my bag. She then told me what kind of clothes she used to wear while pregnant (the combination of larger dress with leggings were comfortable and they could be worn after giving birth etc.). She was very kind and nice. She also suggested some co-ordination with checked shirts and they looked very cute but I didn't buy any as I wanted to go round other shops as well. I want to go there again soon.


I went to look for a thin top I could wear until the beginning of Spring. That was the first time to go to that shop but the staff politely helped me despite I told the staff 'I'm looking for something like jersey top or sweat shirt', without being very specifically.
She recommended 3-4 different items and allowed me a plenty of time to try them on. I could find a nice one in the end, I felt very good. There were always many customers in LUMINE EST and I never had a good experience with their service, so I hesitated to go in. However, I was glad I went to RODEO CROWN. It became a shop I wanted to go again.


I tried on a maxi skirt. I went to the shop to buy sale items since they had sale. A salesclerk told me "there is an item here too." as in a same type of new arrived item. I knew that it was a new item so I turned it down politely. And finally I tried on the maxi skirt that I wanted, but it wasn't what I imaged so I decided not to buy it. The salesclerk asked me "how was it?", and I said "it looked wider". Maybe what I told her wasn't very clear to her. However she treated me with contempt. I was so annoyed, and she was folding the skirt and blocked a way for me to get out of the fitting room. That was so thoughtless. I don't want to visit RODEO again. A salesclerk at Ikebukuro shop seemed nice though.

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