BVLGARI general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Italy (1884-)
Sotirio Bulgari 
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: 4.7  -  Point:5,753 pt (Ranking 8,052)


BVLGARI is fashion brand which it was founded by Sotirio Bulgari in italy in 1884 and it is popular venerable brand of more than in 100 years since the establishment. Item is Handbag, Pierce, Taiping, Business bag, Marriage ring.

Related Reviews  - BVLGARI -

I went to Daimaru for a coin purse. I went around but the staff from BVLGARI was really nice and showed me all the colours, she also explained about a necklace etc. I liked.
She never pushed me for the purchase and I could buy it with ease. I wasn't served in most of other high brands' shops so I was impressed with that shop assistant in BVLGARI and felt the staff was very well trained to serve any kind of customers politely in the real high brands'.


BULGARI Ginza Tower shop is along the main street from Ginza station.
The shop is huge. We went to have a look of the wedding rings, the staff offered us a quiet consultant room and a cup of tea, explained about the items that might suit us in detail.
We were given a voucher for their coffee shop and we felt a rich atmosphere when we went there on the way home.

   BVLGARI Osaka Takashimaya

As my dad said he would buy me a watch for my 20th celebration, we went to BULGARI.
The shop was bright and fashionable. The staff was chic, their hands handling the items were so graceful, everything was wonderful.
I tried several watches on and the staff seriously thought which watch would suit me.
I found a watch that inspired me and I was surprised as the staff recommended the same one. I've been using it for long.


I once bought a bottle of perfume called Crystal Homme. The display layout is very nice and you want to buy one. Actually I bought it without trying the smell. The staff was pretty. The price range was 5,000yen onwards and quite reasonable. I think the customers' age range was high. There are many expensive items in Isetan and I don't go there often but this particular shop is easy to go in.

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