nano・universe general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Japan  - Tokyo-to (2002-)
nano・universe CO,.LTD. 
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: 4.0  -  Point:9,216 pt (Ranking 44)

About nano・universe

nano・universe is fashion brand which it was founded by nano・universe CO,.LTD. in japan(Tokyo-to) in 2002 and it is 22 years since the establishment. Item is Chester Court, Pumps, Adjuster, Jacket, Mods coat.

Related Reviews  - nano・universe -


Bought a scarf for my boyfriend's birthday gift. This has been one of my favourite shops and I can shop comfortably whenever I go, as all the shop assistants are kind, chic and mature minded. Although I was a bit worried because I had to pick an item by myself for opposite sex, a kind male shop assistant took time to choose with me and I could shop to my satisfaction. My boyfriend also liked it a lot.


I had been looking for a leather jacket, and I found a good one in here so I purchased. It was my first leather jacket, but the store associates gave me some ideas on pair ups and it inspired me a lot, and she was a nice store associate. At first she recommended me a different jacket, but when I told her my preference, she brought me the one that matched with my preference, and I totally thought she was proffessional.


I went to this shop to look for a Spring coat.
One of my friends wears a nice Italian coat and said she bought it from this shop, so I decided to try. The inside was a bit dark and had a image of jewellery box. There were men's items as well and many young couples were there. It was in late afternoon on Saturday and all 3 shop assistants looked busy.
Most coats were pretty and I liked the particular one but it was over my budget so I had to give it up. Also skirts and dresses were simple but fashionable and I wanted them all. I decided to go there again as soon as my next payday comes.


I went to NANO UNIVERSE to look for a dress that I could wear to see my fianc?'s parents as we decided to get married .
I love the clothes in this shop as there are many dresses in simple but unique designs and they are also chic.
When I was looking at clothes, a female shop assistant came and said with a smile 'You can try them on so please ask ♪'. I then tried a bicolour dress in Black and White. You often get shop assistants knocking the door and ask 'How is it!?' while I'm trying clothes on, but I'm not keen on that way. However, the staff in this shop was just waiting nicely. The silhouette of the dress was beautiful and it fitted me perfectly, so I bought it. You can collect points in NANO UNIVERSE via app! This shop is highly recommended.

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