HERMES general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
France (1937-)
Thierry Hermès 
Main item
Tops,Dress,Onepiece,Bottoms,Shoes,Bag,Wallet,Accessory,Watch,Goods,Sports,Children clothing,Cosme 
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: 3.5  -  Point:7,991 pt (Ranking 104)


HERMES is fashion brand which it was founded by Thierry Hermès in france in 1937 and it is popular brand of more than in 87 years since the establishment. Item is Tote bag, Stall, Handbag, Charm, Boston bag.

Related Reviews  - HERMES -

   hermes ginza

Went to buy a pair of rings. Although it was the first time for me to go to the official shop and I was nervous, the staff politely served us who didn't look like having a lot of money. There were many overseas customers but we could relax during the shopping because the staff who was perhaps busy due to Sunday didn't come to talk to us while we were looking around. The item was out of stock at Ginza shop and we went to another shop but we could buy them smoothly there as the staff at Ginza shop already informed the other shop.


After we popped n to a CHLOE shop, we bought a plate from HERMES for a farewell gift to someone who did a lot for us.
I was thinking about a scarf as well but decided to go for the plate as a result of the majority rule.
It looked cool and isn't a kind of thing I wouldn't buy for myself but I was happy that the person I gave it to was so pleased with it. As a luxurious brand, they gift wrapped it beautifully and it looked so luxurious. The staff was nice as well.

   hermes osaka midosuji

Me and my fianc? went to there to find our wedding rings.
It's along Midosuji and easy to find as you can see that luxurious class even from outside.
That was a chic female staff and she quickly got what we liked.
We occupied her more than 2 hours but she kindly served us until the end, without any grumpy face.
We said 'Sorry for taking so long', when we decided and left, and she replied 'It was my honour to help choosing the important ring once in a lifetime'. That is really a lovely shop.


I went to buy my card case and a key case for a gift. HERMES was refined as usual and I could feel its strong presence. I always get overwhelmed by it every time I go there. I could buy a key case as a gift straight away but they didn't have the card case I wanted and they showed me them in different colours. They explained in details what we, ordinary people wouldn't know, which leather was better etc. It was very helpful as I didn't know much about the materials.

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