23ku general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to (1993-)
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.23ku-web.jp/

Online shop : http://crosset.onward.co.jp/shop/23ku/?cid=wsd003_99999999_002


Twitter  :

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/23kuginza

: 3.0  -  Point:6,013 pt (Ranking 6,860)

About 23ku

23ku is fashion brand which it was founded by ONWARD KASHIYAMA Co,. Ltd. in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1993 and it is 31 years since the establishment. Item is Trench coat, Optical frame, Court, Eyewear, outerwear.

Related Reviews  - 23ku -

anasutashia hime
   [Closed]23区 西武八尾店

It's 23-Ku shop in Seibu department store that is directly connected from Kintetsu Osaka Line Yao station. I often buy from this shop when I need business style clothes. There are many varieties of suits and inner tops and I can buy fashionable items in sophisticated style. Also I often buy the items for daily use in Elegant casual style that is one of their specialities. Many look cool and they are ideal when you want to be in cool style. There are various items such as jersey tops, dresses, jackets and trousers in elegant style.


I became a big fan of this store since I started wearing office casuals for work. It is kind of steep, but the quality of the clothing are great, and just wearing them makes you look classy. The most favorite item I bought from this store is grey coat. It is very thin and light, but when you wear it, it is actually very warm. I fell in love at first sight and I bought it before sale, and I might wasted some money, but I think coats represents in quality how much you pay the most, and I think it was a good buy.

   23ku nagasaki Hamaya

I went there to buy a clothes for a wedding reception.
I'm in my late 30's and it was difficult to decide what to choose but I could buy nice item with the staff's pin point advice. What she chose for me was a Navy dress that looked just an ordinary but the sleeves were in lace and the dress length was perfect, the silhouette was so beautiful when tried on, this was the one I wanted. She also recommended some accessories to wear with this dress and gave me some advice, she was very nice, never too pushy., very impressive. The shop is easy to find as it's right in front of the escalator on 3rd floor.

   23ku SOGO Kobe

I purchased a black business suits. The set has a jacket as a top, a skirt and pants as bottoms. The price was expensive but I realized the value when I checked them after I went home. The black color is really beautiful, also sewing and back fabric are high-quality. I really like this. It’s quite different from other black suits. Really great color! Shop staffs were also decent and talked to me a lot. I think I can wear this suits for a long time.

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