Tiffany&Co. general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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America (1837-)
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: 3.5  -  Point:6,297 pt (Ranking 5,546)

About Tiffany&Co.

Tiffany&Co. is fashion brand which it was founded by JOHN B YOUNG, Charles Lewis TIFFANY etc in america in 1837 and it is popular venerable brand of more than in 100 years since the establishment. Item is Eternity Ring, Pairing, Corsage, Charm, Sunglasses.

Related Reviews  - Tiffany&Co. -


I bought the wedding ring on 22nd. My husband got the reasonably priced ring, but whatever the price it was, they treated us nice. Thank you for the photo frame. I will cherish it.

Since I got bonus, I bought a Tiffany's open-heart necklace that I've been dreaming of. That was my first time to visit this luxury brand, so I was so nervous to just walk in. After I walked in, I was looking this way and that. A salesclerk nicely asked me "Are you looking for something particular?". I felt so warm to hear her kind voice in the place that I don't get used to. There were lots of accessories I liked and she recommended, but she's been so nice to me. I spent too much time to decide what to buy, but thanks to her, I finally found the one I like.

   Tiffany&Co. Kyoto Takashimaya

Kyoto-Takashimaya, it faces marui in Shijo. TIFFANY & Co. is on the left side at the entrance. I purchased a necklace there for my birthday present. I was a pregnant but my appearance didn’t look like that at that time. Then, a staff noticed my key chain of maternity sign and guided a chair. My first purpose was a natural stone’s necklace but Diamond attracted me, then, finally I purchased a silver Diamond necklace.

   tiffany&co. ginza honten

Just after I started looking for our wedding rings.. I went to TIFFANY in Ginza on my own.
I had no idea what sort price or designs but my husband to be told me to go for research.
I can't normally go in there as TIFFANY in Ginza has very high profile but I went in. I was looking around the rings, I was a bit nervous. A shop assistant started talking to me so I told her I came for just looking, honestly, then she kindly showed me a few rings. She also gave me a copy of brochure in a bag.
I could explain to my fianc? in detail, showing the brochure and I was very pleased. The staff was very nice and kind.

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