Paul Stuart general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Paul Stuart

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Paul Stuart
America (1938-)
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: 3.0  -  Point:6,188 pt (Ranking 6,070)

About Paul Stuart

Paul Stuart is fashion brand which it was founded by Ralph OSTROFF in america in 1938 and it is popular brand of more than in 86 years since the establishment.

Related Reviews  - Paul Stuart -


I stopped by to look for a neck tie that I was planning to give for my husband for his birthday. There was only one male store associate, and at first I glanced over the store just a little and went elsewhere. But after I looked around the department store, this store's clothing design was still on my mind, and came but to this store. As I was trying to choose, the store associate quietly approched me and told me that the one I was looking was the most popular design. I told him that I was not too familiar with the men's fashion, he gave me advise on what kind of blouse color would go well with the tie and his color coordinate suggestion was very easy to understand. I also told him that I was deciding with the other brand, but what he did was that he praised their brand's strength and enphasized with this store's traits, it was a very positive shopping experience.

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