MINNETONKA general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

Fashion Collect of fashion information


JP / EN ]
America (1964-)
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.minnetonkamoccasin.co.jp/

Online shop : http://minnetonkashop.jp/


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/Minnetonka_JP

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/MinnetonkaJapan

: 4.7  -  Point:6,889 pt (Ranking 2,811)


MINNETONKA is fashion brand which it was founded by in america in 1964 and it is popular brand of more than in 60 years since the establishment. Item is Lace-up, Loafer, Moccasins, Bootie, Key ring.

Related Reviews  - MINNETONKA -

Popped in as I was keen on MINNETONKA shoes. The staff was kind and I tried several pairs of shoes in various colours and size while she was giving me some advice to coordinate with clothes. Because the shop was very small and stretched side to side along the aisle, I couldn't take time as people were walking by just beside the shop, and it was completely visible when trying on. It might be difficult to take time to think by yourself because of the small space and it's inevitable to be one-to-one with the staff. However, I think that everything for your purchase should go smoothly including trying shoes on, if you know what you are buying beforehand.

   MINNETONKA namba parks

It's in PARKS, the shop is small but easy to look as trendy items are well packed in. I bought a pair of Brown moccasin shoes. They are very comfortable and I wear them all year round. I don't get sore feet even when wearing on bear feet, they are highly recommended. I bought 3 pairs, I always want to buy another pair as new colours or designs are out every year. When you wear them with clothes in formal style, those shoes produce the casual taste on the feet and add more casual touch when wearing them with casual clothes.

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