Karl Park Lane general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Karl Park Lane

JP / EN ]
Karl Park Lane
Japan  - Aichi-ken
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.karlparklane.jp/

Online shop : http://www.karlparklane-shop.com/


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: 4.0  -  Point:6,159 pt (Ranking 6,204)

About Karl Park Lane

Karl Park Lane is fashion brand which it was founded by in japan(Aichi-ken). Item is Knit, Ensemble, Jacket, Cut sew, One Piece.

Related Reviews  - Karl Park Lane -


I went to look for a one piece for the summer. I like this store from before. I liked how everytime I go, I could find something good. There was a one piece which shape I liked. I tried navy one on, but the store associate recommened me yellow one. It was true that it looked brighter with yellow, and it was great. With the help of the kind store associate, I tried two more on. Since it was outlet, it was under 20000, but if I bought them in original stores it would have cost me at least 40000. I would recommend this store since you can buy good things in lower price.

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