COCO DEAL general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Japan  - Tokyo-to (1971-)
AIIA Corporation 
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: 3.0  -  Point:6,780 pt (Ranking 3,348)


COCO DEAL is fashion brand which it was founded by AIIA Corporation in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1971 and it is popular brand of more than in 53 years since the establishment.

Related Reviews  - COCO DEAL -

non ane

Although I hadn't decided what to buy, I purchased a cute onesie that was displayed on the wall. Because I'm short, I can't easily find the clothes that suit my size, but the items in small size at COCO DEAL are smaller and perfect fit for me of the height of 152cm! The staff at LUMINE Ikebukuro shop is friendly and it's easy to shop as they never insistently recommend other items. I can learn the trend just by going to the shop as the staff tells me how to coordinate and gives me some advice to my fashion issues..

   COCO DEAL namba city

I think that the range of age group of customers are from uni students to people in their late 20's. There are many trendy clothes but some clothes are chic and look more expensive than the actual price. This shop is handy as we can buy the clothes that are trendy for just that year at the reasonable price. It's easy to pop in and there are always a few customers in the shop. I bought 3 tops at the sale. The shop isn't big but I often pop in as I can casually look around. The shop is at the 1st basement floor in NAMBA CITY Main Building.


I love clothing from Coco deal and I often wear them. They used to have a store in Supporo Stella place, but they moved to Parco about one year ago. The store looks like it got smaller, but I have no problem at all since their clothing are so cute :) Clothing by coco deal are very cute, but not just cute, but they are unique, and it almost like a little spice in the cuisine. I recently purchased a chifon dot patterned maxi skirt. The store associates were wearing it, and it was so cute and I fell in love at first sight. I will pair up the top with short length clothing.

As I walk around the shopping district, I saw a pretty store associate so I stopped by this store. She was wearing a casual logo marked t-shirt with girly flare skirts that had pleats and she was so pretty, so I copycatted her pairs of clothing and purchased them. As I did not know what to buy for the summer, but the store associate gave me advice and what would go well with what I already had in my closet, and that was very helpful. I greatly enjoyed shopping with the help of the cute and kind head store manager.

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