Clarks general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
England (1825-)
Cyrus Clarks, James Clarks 
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: 4.0  -  Point:7,684 pt (Ranking 216)

About Clarks

Clarks is fashion brand which it was founded by Cyrus Clarks, James Clarks etc in england in 1825 and it is popular venerable brand of more than in 100 years since the establishment. Item is Ankle boot, Knee-high boots, Gladiator sandals, Lace-up, Pumps.

Related Reviews  - Clarks -

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This is the shop I bought boots that a salesclerk recommended. It's known of wallaby boots in Clarks. So I wanted to wear the boots and decided to walk in the shop for the first time. A salesclerk was so nice and polite when I tried them on. I wasn't sure if the boots would be good on my fashion style, but the salesclerk gave me advice for coordinate with what I wear and I have. Thanks to her, I was able to buy the great boots. The shop is large and has lots of fitting space. It's easy for shopping.

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