chambre de nimes general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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chambre de nimes

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chambre de nimes
Japan  - Tokyo-to (1999-)
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Facebook :シャンブルドニーム/698794620162774

: 4.5  -  Point:7,694 pt (Ranking 210)

About chambre de nimes

chambre de nimes is fashion brand which it was founded by INNOCENT INC in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1999 and it is 25 years since the establishment. Item is Jacket, Best, One Piece, Long cardigan, Pants.

Related Reviews  - chambre de nimes -


I often check out the items in this shop as I love the Southern French patterns of LES OLIVADES. I don't see many shops that sell LES OLIVADES items but this shop has many from small items to blouses, skirts. I bought a large scarf. It was useful as it could be worn with both plain or patterned clothes. The skirts and blouses were so cute and I couldn't take my eyes off them. I could use the scarf from the following day as the staff taught me how to wear it. The shop is next to Drug Segami near the escalator at Sakura Court on the ground floor.

   AEON MALL Fukuoka

Went to the bargain sale at AEON Mall Fukuoka on 27th July! I decided to go after I saw their ad on the Final Clearance Sale between 25th July and 2nd August as it said there would be further discount from the sale price already reduced. Arrived there before lunch time and I thought there were less people than expected. However, more people brought their kids with them due to the Summer holiday time. I mainly looked around COEN, LUCA and CHAMBRE DE NIMES that I usually kept my eyes on. At COEN, I couldn't buy the shirt I wanted for some time as my size was sold out because it had been a few days since the clearance sale started. It was a shame that I couldn't get it despite the price was reduced. I bought a T-shirt at CHAMBRE DE NIMES. When we say T-shirt, it sounds casual but the T-shirts from this brand have pretty patterns. Although I was thinking whether buying a pair of trousers from LUCA in the end, I didn't buy them as it was over my budget even after the discount. All 3 shops I went weren't extremely crowded and we could still manage to ask the staff about their stock situation or request showing us colour variations.

   chambre de nimes abeno HOOP

I bought an original cut-and-sew top with stripe pattern before, and I liked it very much. So I went to the shop to buy another one again. The shop didn't look busy, and a salesclerk talked me immediately. She showed me the one I was looking for. There were lots of new cute items, and it took some time to choose the one. But she didn't look bad to take care of me fitting. I think it's a good purchase. I like this brand more and more. Compared to other shops, I can take my time for shopping in the shop. Also lots of salesclerks are nice and polite. I always want to buy something in the shop.

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