BeBe general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Hyogo-ken
Main item
Tops,Dress,Onepiece,Bottoms,Accessory,Sports,Underwear,Children clothing 
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: 3.5  -  Point:7,192 pt (Ranking 1,491)

About BeBe

BeBe is fashion brand which it was founded by in japan(Hyogo-ken). Item is Overalls, Summertime casual wear, blouse, Dress, blouse.

Related Reviews  - BeBe -


I bought 6 T-shirts (Matching shirts in 3 different colours for 2 designs) and combos in jersey material from RAD CUSTOM for my sons. The staff was nice with a smile. When I found the design I liked and asked her for them in different sizes, she quickly searched and bring them to me. Although it was an outlet store, I could manage to buy the matching clothes in 3 different colours as there were many sizes and colours available. The fabric is sturdy and I like them as they won't be shapeless after washing.


I bought a cardigan for my kid's birthday gift. I'm not very keen on the shop assistants who stick around but it was easy to shop there as the staff wasn't too pushy and nonchalantly talked and gave advice to customers. When I told a shop assistant that I wanted to go round other shops, she kindly accepted it and kept holding the items I liked for me. She told me what colours of clothes would suit it and it was helpful as I wouldn't normally buy cardigans in that colour.

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