FURLA general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Italy (1927-)
Aldo Furlanetto 
Main item
Web site

Official : http://jp.furla.com/

Online shop : http://www.furla.com/jp/


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/furla_jp

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/FurlaJapan

: 4.7  -  Point:5,681 pt (Ranking 8,384)


FURLA is fashion brand which it was founded by Aldo Furlanetto in italy in 1927 and it is popular brand of more than in 97 years since the establishment. Item is Glasses, Bag, Wallet, Tote bag, Handbag.

Related Reviews  - FURLA -

   FURLA Kitasenju marui

I've wanted to buy a new wallet before. I went to FURA at Marui Kitasenju. I wasn't sure about the design, size or color. I just checked the items at first visit. At second visit, a salesclerk remembered me and helped me to choose the one. I used to choose dark color wallets, but I chose a light color for the first time because the salesclerk recommended. I was glad that she helped indecisive me. She didn't force me to buy it at all, and she got me a new one because she felt something wrong with the zipper. There were many customers in the shop because they're having an event of the member card of Marui, but she's been nice to me whole time.

I love small items like handbags from FURLA. I learned they had a shop in Outlet and went there.
It was great to be able to get FURLA items cheaper, so I bought a bag. My mum who came with me also bought a bag. I wish I knew it before, I felt I'd been making a loss (lol) I couldn't help looking around as there were other pretty items there.

   FURLA Nihonbashi Takashimaya

The leather on FURLA bag got damaged when I was using it.
Although I didn't buy it from that shop I went go to a FURLA shop in Nihonbashi Takashimaya near my work to ask how I could repair. The staff looked at it very closely and gave me some advice. I didn't buy anything but she was very kind

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