TOMMY HILFIGER general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
America (1984-)
Main item
Tops,Outerwear,Dress,Onepiece,Bottoms,Shoes,Bag,Wallet,Accessory,Watch,Goods,Sports,Underwear,Children clothing,Cosme 
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: 4.7  -  Point:9,030 pt (Ranking 49)


TOMMY HILFIGER is fashion brand which it was founded by TOMMY HILFIGER which was bearing its own name in america in 1984 and it is 40 years since the establishment. Item is Dress shirt, Two fold wallet, One Piece, Hawaiian shirt, Card case.

Related Reviews  - TOMMY HILFIGER -


I went to buy my boyfriend's gift before. When I was looking for nice tops, a shop assistant came to serve me. She showed me various items but I wasn't sure the size, then she suggested small items rather than clothes. It had underwear as well as bags so I decided to buy underwear and bag. I was pleased that there were many small items. I also bought a striped dress that caught my eyes. It was good that boyfriend was happy with the gift.


I went to this shop to find my boyfriend's birthday gift. He wanted a White cardigan he saw in TOMMY HILFIGER Singapore shop before.
The inside is separated into 2, ladies' items on left and men's on right, it's very easy to look around. There weren't many items for being an outlet shop and I couldn't find what I wanted. I asked the staff and she told me it might be difficult to find the same item in Japan as items sold were all different in each country. I didn't have enough time to have a look at ladies' section that day so I want to go there for my self next time.

   tommy hilfiger shinsaibashi

I visited this shop to buy my friend's birthday gift. There were people talking in Chinese and Korean on the ground floor, it looked very busy.
I went to the ladies' section on 2nd floor. I was the only customer but the staff didn't seem to notice me. They looked doing some work at the corner.
They heard my footsteps and noticed me but kept working without even saying 'Can I help?'. In the end I didn't buy anything and left the shop.
It might be too soon to rate their service as bad, but I don't have good impression at all. I think one sentence of 'Can I help?' is important to greet customers.


I bought a hoodie. I liked it as it wasn't too flashy despite many colours were used.
The clothes were neatly placed, I assumed the shop assistants tidied them up all the time and I got a very good impression. The shop allowed us to take pets with us and I found a few animal hairs on the floor because there was a pet shop on the opposite side. It was a bit shame.

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