BEAMS general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Japan  - Tokyo-to (1976-)
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: 4.7  -  Point:11,754 pt (Ranking 18)


BEAMS is fashion brand which it was founded by , etc in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1976 and it is 48 years since the establishment. Item is Loafer, Key case, Buckle, Jeans, Western shirt.

Related Reviews  - BEAMS -

   BEAMS LUCUA osaka

I went to LUCUA as it had a sale. When I was looking at some tops as I was more keen on the Autumn new arrivals rather than the sale items, a shop assistant came and asked 'Would you like to try them on?'. She told me a way to wear the top in the Autumn season. She looked friendly with a smile. Because there were 2 cute tops and I couldn't pick, I didn't buy any in the end. However I'm going there again soon to buy one of them as I can't forget. I'm not really keen on being talked while I'm looking at clothes but it's easy to shop at BEAMS as the shop assistants don't follow the customers around or don't talk to us in vain.

   BEAMS abeno HOOP

I looked at the Autumn new arrivals of a White seamed pleated shirt, Khaki sleeveless onesie and also high neck shirt. The average price was 10,000 yen before tax and I couldn't afford them. Although I wanted to buy at least the White seamed shirt, I gave it up as it was over my budget. There were many varieties of clothes such as casual, feminine style, formal and party dresses. The casual clothes were not too casual and they seemed to be able to be worn comfortably for outing. Most of the items in feminine style were plain and simple but they didn't look dull because they all had distinctive points. The many formal wear and party dresses were in chic colours. The shop was very big and there were many items. The total coordination could be possible as it also had small items. The staff didn't talk to me and didn't come too close or go too far away. It's nice to people who want to take time to look at many items and don't want to be served. However I think that they will come to talk to give us some advice if we ask or we are thinking about same items for long. They greeted when I went in and they saw me off when left the shop. I want to go again after saving some money as the shop had a clean, relaxing atmosphere and there were also many items that I liked.

   BEAMS Kopis Kichijoji

I bought a pair of ADIDAS Superstar Vintage trainers. BEAMS often has ADIDAS items. I always buy there rather than at ADIDAS shops as BEAMS has more collaboration items and more Superstars trainers in varieties of colours. I bought them in Black and White this time. I could buy them easier as she suggested me to try them on when I was looking at them and also explained in details. I went to COPPICE to buy kid's clothes without knowing there was a BEAMS shop within, so I want to go to buy Stansmith trainers next time.

   BEAMS Fukuoka PARCO

I was looking for a t-shirt that I could wear casually suring the summer. As I walked around I spotted the perfect one so I came in to the store to look. The store associates suggested me the one that is kind of like my style. In fact, I personally do not like to be spoken to while I'm shopping, but this store associate explain about the t-shirts without the sales talk and gave me some advice on what items are going well with the t-shirts and I really had a great impression on them. The store was decorated very classy, and I would like to come back here to shop again.

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