Vivienne Westwood Red Label general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Vivienne Westwood Red Label

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Vivienne Westwood Red Label
Vivienne Isabel SWIRE 
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: 4.5  -  Point:8,016 pt (Ranking 100)

About Vivienne Westwood Red Label

Vivienne Westwood Red Label is fashion brand which it was founded by Vivienne Isabel SWIRE in england. Item is Jacket, Best, Tailored Jacket, tops, outerwear.

Related Reviews  - Vivienne Westwood Red Label -

I bought a ring.
The shop was on 4th floor in Fujii Daimaru and it was a bit difficult to go in as there were many shops that had a chic atmosphere on the same floor. However, the all shop assistants kindly helped me with smiles.
According to the staff, they also had items by VIVIENNE and it was a shop I want to go again!

It's inconvenient that located on 7th floor. I went to at the beginning of the year and I expected crowd, but the number of shop staffs are enough so they waited on me soon. I went to Yokohama’s shop, too, but I think here is abundant line-up more than Yokohama. Store space is not so different, but I felt larger maybe because of the different display. I was looking at sale items but their customer service were polite.

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