Timberland general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

Fashion Collect of fashion information


JP / EN ]
America (1952-)
Main item
Tops,Outerwear,Bottoms,Shoes,Bag,Wallet,Accessory,Watch,Goods,Sports,Children clothing,Cosme 
Web site

Official : http://www.timberland.co.jp/

Online shop : http://shop.timberland.co.jp/


Twitter  : https://twitter.com/Timberland_JPN

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/ティンバーランド-Timberland/290721930960634

: 4.0  -  Point:6,825 pt (Ranking 3,119)

About Timberland

Timberland is fashion brand which it was founded by Nathan SCHWARZ in america in 1952 and it is popular brand of more than in 72 years since the establishment. Item is Plane toe, Gloves, Oxford, Folding umbrella, Moccasins.

Related Reviews  - Timberland -

   Timberland Kitasenju marui

When my TIMBERLAND shoes that I bought a few years ago were torn and I took for repair, I was impressed with the staff who politely dealt with me despite those were bought at a different shop. As a result, they weren't repairable as the rubber part wore out from hydrolysis, but they offered as 'We will replace them to any shoes in the shop free of charge', so I asked to replace them by a brand new pair I liked. All the shop assistants were also polite and kind when I went there before. I liked them.

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