MUJI general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to (1980-)
Ryohin Keikaku Co,. Ltd 
Main item
Children clothing 
Web site

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Online shop : Same as Official web-site


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: 2.5  -  Point:10,761 pt (Ranking 23)

About MUJI

MUJI is fashion brand which it was founded by Ryohin Keikaku Co,. Ltd in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1980 and it is 44 years since the establishment.

Related Reviews  - MUJI -


Although I didn't like to be served, it was nice that I could take time for shopping as the staff weren't normally insistently at this MUJI shop. It's enjoyable to be able to look at the small items while buying clothes.! It's very helpful because the MUJI app recently became available to check the stock situation and to list up the required items before going shopping. There are occasionally 10% off vouchers and they also have a bargain sale at the timing of changing season. I could easily find what I wanted as the shop was big and the items were well-placed for easy viewing.

   MUJI SOGO Yokohama

This shop on 8th floor within Yokohama SOGO isn't very big but there are many items. I bought a cotton 100% long T-shirt dress and a thin cardigan for sun protection. It's good that we can choose the items depending on the season as the items at MUJI are provided in various materials. The MUJI passport that they recently started is recommended as it's a good scheme and the points accumulate without knowing. I think that the age range of the staff at this shop is slightly higher. Because of that, all the shop assistants look calm and polite, and I feel good when I see their attentive service to customers.

   COLET Izutsuya

I went shopping to the bargain sale at Kokura COLET Izutsuya over 2 days of 12th and 13th July 2015. As a start with, I went between 10am-12pm and 4-5pm on 12th. I could look around at my own pace in the morning as there weren't so many people. However, it was getting busier towards lunch time and I couldn't look as much as I wanted. The shops I went were ROPE PICNIC (ladies' clothing), IL BISONTE, as well as MUJI and LOFT for small goods. The shops for ladies' clothes were offering big discount but small goods or high brands' items were hardly reduced. Because of that, those shops for ladies' clothes were busiest and most lively. I went round mainly men's floor between 3-5om on Sunday, 13th but there weren't many people and it was quiet compare to the floor for ladies' clothing shops. Because 13th was the final day of the bargain sale, Medium size and popular items were being sold out in ladies' clothing shops.


I went shopping to INTERPARK when I visited a relative's house. I went in MUJI that I found by chance and I felt there were more items than MUJI in my local area, Shizuoka and there are varieties of items from clothing, food to furniture. They had a sale and some items like bath towels were being sold at 30% off. I spotted a wide striped T-shirt soon after I went in and I instantly liked it as it seemed that I could wear it in small size loosely and the price was very reasonable 1,000yen. I got a good impression from the staff who was free and came to open another cash register next to it to serve customers when I was queueing up for the till.

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