MARGARET HOWELL general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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England (1970-)
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MARGARET HOWELL is fashion brand which it was founded by MARGARET HOWELL which was bearing its own name in england in 1970 and it is popular brand of more than in 54 years since the establishment. Item is Pants, Bottoms.

Related Reviews  - MARGARET HOWELL -

I bought a pair of sock as a souvenir for my mom. The person who served me was a young male store associate, and even thought it was only for a pair of socks, he wrapped very nicely with a bow and my mother liked them. Lately they opened Margarett Howel's street store nearby, and they carried small goodies and a had a cafe, and it was casual, but if you are looking for a quality of the customer service and relaxed atmosphere, this store located inside the department store is highly recommended. They also had men's clothing, so it was easier to go on shopping with my husband.

Mother's day is on the way and I was thinking what to buy then I remembered mum was saying she wanted the skirt featured in a magazine. However, the items in magazines are normally sold out, not left in the shop at a real time. I knew it but went to the shop without expecting anything.
As I imagined, it was sold out but the staff kindly said she would ask around other shops nationwide within a few days. They had many customers and the staff was rushing around then but other shop assistants talked me while I was waiting, I felt very good with their service. I got a call on the following day, she said she found it and could order it for me. It was very quick and efficient. I could shop very comfortably.

I was my first time to visit MARGARET HOWELL. My mother really liked the coordination which she found on a magazine, and all of items, a cardigan, blouse, and skirt, were MARGARET HOWELL’s products. Her birthday was just coming so I decided to give one of them to her. But usually many items introduced on magazines are delivered or sold out before sale, so I almost gave up. I wanted to the blouse cuz of within my budget, but already sold-out as I expected. But an assistants told me to ask all nationwide other shops about the stock. After all she found one and ordered it for me. Then, she gave me some advices of how to coordinate except the magazine’s one when I told her about my mother’s taste and everyday wear. At last, she gift-wrapped it pretty. I was really satisfied. Thanks to her, my mother was also pleased.

I bought my mum's birthday gift in this shop. After the long consideration, I decided to buy 2 items of clothes. The shop is not very big but based on White, has a bright, clean atmosphere. The staff didn't' bother me too much so I could take time to choose the gift. The gift wrap was nicely done. Mum was also pleased with the gift. I want to go there again.

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