Himiko general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to (1976-)
HIMIKO Co,. Ltd. 
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.himiko.co.jp/himiko/

Online shop : https://search-voi.0101.co.jp/voi/shop/himiko/?sale=0&vstore=4&floor=shoes_l&allitem=on


Twitter  :

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/婦人靴の卑弥呼/106665212793662

: 3.5  -  Point:5,830 pt (Ranking 7,689)

About Himiko

Himiko is fashion brand which it was founded by HIMIKO Co,. Ltd. in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1976 and it is 48 years since the establishment. Item is Engineer boot, Rain boot, Round Toe, Pointed Toe, Pumps.

Related Reviews  - Himiko -

   Himiko Tsuruya department

The shop is at a corner of shoe section on 2nd floor in Tsuruya. As being the best department store in Kumamoto, the staff's service is perfect. Their advice is spot on and anyway their job's done in no time. I can't buy shoes from any other shops as my feet are very wide, however they always bring some trendy pairs that fit me as soon as I go in, and I buy pairs choosing from these selections.

   Himiko marui City Yokohama

I buy shoes from HIMIKO since I was a student as their items are fashionable and chic. Particularly I often go to the HIMIKO shop in Marui City Yokohama. The shop assistants' kind and accurate advice is a great help!
When I tell what I want, they always bring 2-3 recommended pairs. They are never too pushy even if I can't decide straight away for being indecisive, they kindly serve me instead. I now live outside the area but I've decided to go to Marui City Yokohama when I want to buy a shoes from HIMIKO!
It's at the back of ladies' shoes section on the 1st basement floor in Marui City Yokohama. Recommended!

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