COMME CA ISM general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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Japan  - Tokyo-to
Main item
Tops,Bottoms,Children clothing 
Web site

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Online shop : Same as Official web-site


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: 2.0  -  Point:10,269 pt (Ranking 30)


COMME CA ISM is fast fashion brand which it was founded by FIVE FOXes CO,.LTD in japan(Tokyo-to).

Related Reviews  - COMME CA ISM -

   COMME CA ISM Youmetown Hakata

I always do window shopping there and check its clothes. I bought a kid's hat that I was keen on. It was a check hat in cool design and the fabric was sturdy. I was very happy with it. There were some T-shirts at reduced price on the hanger rail near the entrance and I happened to buy a T-shirt for myself as well. I like it as the design is simple and it's comfortable. Both male and female shop assistants always look neat and clean. I'm pleased as they politely and refreshingly serve us.

I often buy at this shop and I always enjoy shopping as all the shop assistants are very polite and friendly. When I went to buy some Winter items, the staff chose clothes from scratch and she went to the back so many times to check the stock availability. It's really a friendly shop that we can casually pop in even when we don't buy clothes. It's easy to find as the shop is near the grocery section in AEON Wakamatsu store..


The shop is in the North 2nd avenue in the tenant street within SHIMONOSEKI SEEMALL but it temporarily moved to other place as it was during the sale period. I bought a Grey Summer sleeveless top as it was extremely cheap as 70% off. The staff was good looking and very nice. He politely explained how to wash the item despite it was less than 1,000yen. Although I was thinking about a skirt in marine style at about 2,000yen, he kindly accepted the exchange.


This shop has a very luxurious atmosphere on the interior and items, and it has many good quality clothes compared to other COMME CA ISM shops. It's on 2nd floor within Lalaport and eye-catching for the above reasons. When I went there, even the price on the Summer silk jumper was reasonable as it had a sale. I felt that the price was good for the quality items. Although I was just window shopping without any particular items in mind, it was a shop that I wanted to come back after the payday. Bear in mind that the men's section is difficult to find as it's around the back after going out of the store.

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