Ciaopanic general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to (1988-)
PAL Co,. Ltd. 
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: 2.5  -  Point:6,936 pt (Ranking 2,592)

About Ciaopanic

Ciaopanic is fashion brand which it was founded by PAL Co,. Ltd. in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1988 and it is 36 years since the establishment. Item is Pumps, Trunks, Bootie, Cardigan, Socks.

Related Reviews  - Ciaopanic -


Although I wanted go there during the Summer bargain sale, I couldn't make it and I went on 31st July when I went to somewhere else. It was in the afternoon but it wasn't very busy as it was on a weekday. I could park at the car park without any problem. I went for LAUNDRY, NIKO AND... and CIAO PANIC. Because they were 30% off, I was thinking whether I should buy a T-shirt at LAUNDRY, but gave up my own stuff and instead, bought a kid T-shirt that were also 30% off. Despite the price was reduced a lot, there were many designs that I recently saw at a shop (not outlet). I then moved to GAP and bought 2 pairs of shorts to wear as lounge wear as they were 60% off. The price on the items at GAP was reduced from the outlet price and they were very good value for money! Although I thought that there would be more people due to Summer holiday, the shop was unexpectedly empty. When we move between shops, we had to go through outside corridors and I thought it would be hot when it was a fine day. There were many overseas tourists.

   Ciaopanic tennoji MIO

I bought Navy sleeveless knitwear. I decided to buy it as it could be worn with a White T-shirt I recently purchased, as well as wearing with a shirt in Autumn season as it was knitted material. The staff's explanation was given very politely and she recommended items that exactly I like, finding it from our conversation. It was the first time to buy clothes at this shop but it's highly recommended as there are many female shop assistants and the staff who served me was friendly.

   Ciaopanic tennoji MIO

I bought Navy sleeveless knitwear. I bought it because it would nicely match with a White T-shirt I recently bought and also I could wear it with a shirt in Autumn time. The shop assistant's explanation was very polite and she recommended the clothes I might like by finding my preference between the conversation. She was nice. It was the first time to buy clothes at this shop but it's recommended as the staff was friendly and there were many female shop assistants.

Kesalan Patharan

I always pop in when I come here as I like casual clothing. I normally start buying when I get there, as the time will run out without having decided what to buy beforehand, because this outlet store is huge.
There are ladies' items on right hand side and men's on the left, couples can enjoy shopping together. There is a sale table for discounted items at the entrance and I always check it up. You can see bargains like 'What? is that cheap!?' X-D I bought 2 hoodies that were trendy this season. They are recommended as you can wear them in different styles for being plain designs.

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