BURBERRY BLACK LABEL general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Japan  - Tokyo-to (1998-)
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.burberry-blacklabel.com/

Online shop : https://jp.burberry.com/


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BURBERRY BLACK LABEL is fashion brand which it was founded by SANYO SHOKAI Ltd. in japan(Tokyo-to) in 1998 and it is 26 years since the establishment. Item is Cut sew, Cut sew, tops.

Related Reviews  - BURBERRY BLACK LABEL -


This store is my boyfriend's favorite brand that he wears. The store is smaller compared to the one in Tokyo, but I always enjoy shopping here with the store manager's advice. When I asked for a help for choosing a wallet as a present, they helped me very seriously and I could surprise my boyfriend ? It is sad to hear that they would not have the logo anymore... But I like how the clothing lines are beautiful and their customer service are great and I would like to come back again.

I purchased a cardigan and a shirt for my husband. Nevertheless I, who is a woman, visited the shop, a staff spoke to me soon, and tole me that which design or cloth is popular politely. My husband's size was just sold out, so I sent away for it. I received a contact from the shop the delivery day as scheduled. Like the Burberry Black Label that it is, they waited on us very politely. This shop is located at a manswear section on 7th floor in ODAKYU department store. I can drop by there after work, so I come in handy.

I went to a department store to buy Christmas present for my boyfriend, and found a casual and his taste shirt within my budget. Inside the shop is not so large but black color and cool atmosphere. I brought his shirt secretly and check his size with staff’s help. He responded me politely. Also he folded my bringing shirt and brought back to me with putting in Burberry’s bag. Of course the present was wrapped great. If I have a chance I want to buy sth like presents for him at this shop.


I went to buy a tie as my husband's birthday gift.
When I was looking around, a young female shop assistant came to talk to me and helped me to choose.
I only decided the colour, Blue and I had no idea what kind of designs men normally like. I told the staff his age and profession and she picked some ties to choose from.
The one I bought was a design he didn't have and he was so pleased with it.
The shop assistant was kind and easy to talk, so I was pleased to have decided to come here.

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