B Three general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

Fashion Collect of fashion information

B Three

JP / EN ]
B Three
Japan  - Hyogo-ken
Value Planning co,.ltd 
Main item
Web site

Official : http://www.b-three.jp/

Online shop : http://shop.b-three.jp/index.html?ref=value


Twitter  :

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/bthreepants

: 2.0  -  Point:6,266 pt (Ranking 5,697)

About B Three

B Three is fashion brand which it was founded by Value Planning co,.ltd in japan(Hyogo-ken).

Related Reviews  - B Three -


I bought "jeans premium straight". The fabric is very soft and stretchable, so it's so comfortable to wear them. Even if I squat down, you can't see my back between pants and a top. The shop B3 all has mannequins wearing pants as displays. This shop also has mannequins at the entrance. The shop is well-light and displays the pants in the tube packages of B3 uniqueness. The fitting room is big enough for me as a chubby woman. They have the size for 44 and 5 colors for jeans, so I think you can find the one for you. The size I tried was not really fit to me, but they showed me different sizes and other style jeans. I tried so many jeans so I could choose the one for myself.

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