BIRKENSTOCK general information. Brand overview, shop, sale, online information, etc.

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JP / EN ]
Germany (1774-)
Johann Adam Birkenstock 
Main item
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: 3.5  -  Point:5,605 pt (Ranking 8,760)


BIRKENSTOCK is fashion brand which it was founded by Johann Adam Birkenstock in germany in 1774 and it is famous venerable brand of more than in 200 years since the establishment. Item is Ankle boot, Engineer boot, Sabot sandals, Comfort sandals, Lace-up.

Related Reviews  - BIRKENSTOCK -

   BIRKENSTOCK Sapporo paseo

The 'uncle shoes' and comfortable sandals that look as if for middle aged men are trendy this year, and BIRKENSTOCK is also popular. I see many BIRKENSTOCK-like sandals at shoe stores. I went to a BIRKENSTOCK shop in Hawaii when I went on trip last year and I was thinking if I should get some, but I didn't buy them as the price wasn't much different from ones sold in Japan. However there is a BIRKENSTOCK boom this year and I decided to buy them. The shop's atmosphere and the varieties of items were similar to the shop in Hawaii, it was nice. I'm glad that I bought them at PASEO because I could collect JR Tower Card reward points.


I bought shoes and shoe cares. I stopped by the shop because I have a limited item I wanted. I've already what I buy, but I found something else nice and tried them on. The female salesclerk told me "please take your time to think it over". I felt relieved. Also she explained about my feet problem, so I want to visit there from now on.

   BIRKENSTOCK Sapporo paseo

I saw a photo of a blogger wearing a pair of sandals from BIRKENSTOCK and wanted to get the same pair. After searching several shops, I found that a shop in PASEO had them then went to buy a pair. I was pleased as I thought that not many shops in Hokkaido sell these. I expected the shop being small but it was actually big and I was surprised. I'm glad I could get the sandals I wanted.

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