shimamura nayoro - Shop details | Nayoro-shi - Hokkaido | Fashion Collect

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shimamura nayoro

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shimamura nayoro

JPN:しまむら 名寄店

109-7 Hoei,Nayoro-shi,Hokkaido, Japan (MAP)
Nearest station
  • Nayoro Station(Souyahonsen) - 24 minute walk
Handling brand
It is retail of shimamura.  
:3.0  -  Point:3,725 pt(Ranking 7,458)

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sakura motchi
  [ 2015/07/01 19:08:05 ]

I often find it difficult to find the shoes that fits me since I have big feet. But Shimamura carries double large to triple large and it is very helpful. This summer I purchased a pair of Birkenstock flip flops and the Espadrilles. Both of the pairs are very comfortable to wear, and air goes by between the flips flops and feet so I wear them everyday. It seems like as for female clothing, they also carries bigger sizes, so I think whoever think of themselves as a little chubby might be able to enjoy shopping here. It is very cheap and you can buy anything you want and it is very fun to shop.

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About shimamura nayoro

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