shimamura ishii - Shop details | Myozai-gun - Tokushima-ken | Fashion Collect

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shimamura ishii

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shimamura ishii

JPN:しまむら 石井店

897-1 Takagawara,Ishiicho,Myozai-gun,Tokushima, Japan (MAP)
Nearest station
  • Ishii Station(Tokushima Line) - 9 minute walk
Handling brand
It is retail of shimamura.  
:3.0  -  Point:3,720 pt(Ranking 7,767)

Review List

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Sinmai Mama
  [ 2015/09/12 21:16:49 ]

The elderly cashier's service was terrible. It was the person with a ponytail. It was a shame that I couldn't see her name badge. When the till was getting busier, the in-shop announcement came on asking for help. Then she came to the till in very unpleasant manner. She said 'Who's next?' and I proceeded to the till. However she said nothing, no 'Can I help?' or 'Thank you'. She didn't even mention the amount for the items. While I was taking money out, she was replaced by someone else and moved to the next till. She was nice to the customer there and her attitude was clearly different, saying 'Can I help?' and 'No, that's fine' etc. Why? They shouldn't discriminate customers. Was it because I only bought a pair of baby socks and the purchase amount wasn't much? Or because I'm young? I was disgusted, felt angry and sad, tears almost came out. I won't! will never! shop at any SHIMAMURA shops until that woman disappears! It was my worst shopping experience!!!!!!!!!!

Popular shop around Ishiicho,Myozai-gun,Tokushima-ken

Popular shop list(Ishiicho,Myozai-gun,Tokushima-ken)

About shimamura ishii

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